Here are most of the commands:
ls [-a] [-R] [source_id...]
ls - list (or print) soundsources. The source_id's may be those returned by subsource creation routines, or may be determined by ls or other means.
show all arguments
recurse -- print the entire tree. usually ls shows just one layer: this makes it ascend the entire tree.
silence [mixer_id]
silence - remove all sound sources for a device. Defaults to the mixer for the default device.
mixer - return the default mixer id number. This is the source id to ls and the default mix_id for add.
device [device_id]
device - return the default device id number.
source {name} [GdamSourceType] [ arg_name arg_value...]
source - create a sound source. Creates a new source named the specified variable name, and sets the specified arguments. The source is generally then set as another's child or add-ed to the mix.
set [ [source_id | $variable_name] [ arg_name arg_value ...] ]
set - set a source's arguments. TODO: finish writing.detach [id]
detach - orphan a sound source. This causes the source id to stop feeding whatever it is feeding. It usually dies thereafter (unless it is not attached or is still otherwise accessible).
add {source_id} [source_id]
add - add a source to a mixer. Add the given source to the given mixer (or the default mixer if no mix is specified).
help [topic]
If no topic is specified, a list of topics is - online help TODO: write me!