The Buffer Manager button opens the buffer manager. At first this will contain only the default waveforms (sin, square...) but wav files can be loaded from disk with the sample picker, and bits of mp3 files can be cached using the cache component. After selecting a waveform within the buffer manager, drag it onto buffer editor. Alternately, the => button loads the selected buffer without dragging.
A long horizontal sliders seeks within the waveform. The zoom level is controlled by the vertical slider at the right edge of the display area. Buttons zoom to the entire audio sample or to the selected region. The left and center mouse buttons can be used to select an area of the waveform. The select all button selects the entire waveform.
Once a region of the waveform has been selected, it can be transformed. The Cut button removes a section of waveform to the buffer manager. Copy leaves the waveform untouched and copies the selection to the buffer manager. Kill replaces a segment with silence. Replace swaps the selected data with a waveform from the buffer manager. Insert Before and Insert After paste a buffer next to the selection. Reverse reverses the selected audio data.